trichotest cost


If you want to take the guessing game out and want to be on the right hair loss medication right from the start, then TRICHOTEST is your best bet.

This test analyses 13 genes And 48 genetic variations related to hair loss. Based on this , a personalised treatment solution from 175 million therapeutic alternatives is provided by a patented algorithm.

This is a once in a lifetime test. Your genetic results will not change during your life.

Types Of Alopecia Analysed

  1. Male & Female Pattern Alopecia
  2. Alopecia Areata
  3. Telogen Effluvium

Test Would Be Suitable For The Following

  1. Patients experiencing pattern hair loss but too young for hair transplants
  2. Those with family history of Alopecia
  3. Everyone who wants to understand how their genetics affect alopecia treatment.
  4. Men and women who have tried various hair loss treatments to no effect.

What will you receive?

The TrichoTest™ results are shared only with the prescriber through the Fagron Genomics login platform. The report can be used to select the most suitable treatment option for the patient, fully personalized to their needs. The report includes:

  • A summary of patient characteristics
  • Full genetic analysis and explanation
  • Suggested personalized formulations

Trichotest Cost : £300

Please download the Trichotest brochure for more info..

Book Your Trichotest

Contact us today to begin your journey to personalised hair loss treatment.